Yukon Canoeing Expeditions


The distance between Seattle and Skagway is 1,000miles and the journey north through Alaska's Inside Passage took just 4 days.

The Scenery was breathtaking and we were not alone.

As with any society, survival of the fittest is the law of the land and these creatures were no exception. By the look on this sealions face he seemed to have life worked out rather well. How he got up there I will never know.

Humpback Whales were also in abundance enjoying a holiday away from their breeding grounds in Hawaii.

A little more than 2 months prior to departure from London and having heard of the wonders of modern day computers I set off one day to 'surf the net'.

Chatting to a friend - Rupert Fitz-Morris about potential logistical problems, we were interrupted by a gentleman who introduced himself as John Ferrick. A computer boffin and advisor to governments and computer giants alike.

He spends his winters in the U.K conducting his business empire and his summers chartering out his boat in the very Alaskan waters I would be finding myself in. I could jump off the ferry in Juneau and join John and his wife Sharyn on the Stately Runner-was I interested?

I didn't have to be asked twice.

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